Monday, May 11, 2009

Pour a Cold One for a Cause

This summer, take the heat off of a local charity that has been hit by the economic times, and make a difference by pouring a few "on the rocks" for some friends. Yup! Who said giving back couldn't be fun?

You can host a fabulous cocktail party for a cause. It is easy to do, every one is bound to have a good time, and a charity is supported. This is a win-win-win and it gets every one's "spirits up." Here are a few tips to get your 'good' party going:

  1. Decide to do host a cocktail party for a cause a few times over the summer months. Perhaps you and a few friends can rotate being host.
  2. Create a theme around the party using cocktail names. Let your creativity soar.
  3. As the host, you purchase the beverages, fancy umbrellas, stirrers, painted glasses, etc...
  4. Attendees drop a contribution (minimum) in to a container, sun-hat, beach-bucket, etc...
  5. Guests can even donate a gift certificate to the cause for any upcoming event they may be organizing.
  6. Take photos! Use the photos on your blog, business ezine, etc... and also give copies of the photos to attendees and the charity as it is a great way for them to get the word out about how you and your friends are supporting them. This just may inspire some else to do the same.
  7. Create incentives for friends to come to the party, it adds a little extra something to the atmosphere.
Next time you're thinking of a cocktail of choice, marry it up with a charity of choice. It's just a different "twist" on giving back.