Well, who would've known that just one comment to a blog post on cause marketing could mean so much? It did and here is what it was about.
Paul R. Jones writes an excellent blog on the best and the worst of cause marketing campaigns. His expertise, insight and posts are the best I've come across. Plus, I think he is the real deal, someone who says it like it is. He recently wrote a post on Ulta, a large beauty retail store chain, that created a breast cancer campaign this month in support of breast cancer awareness.
After I read it, I offered my own insights on the campaign. Not only do I agree with Paul's comments but the campaign completely missed a call to action. Here is Paul's Blog Post on Ulta's Breast Cancer Campaign and my comment is below that.
Well, his post and my comment were RT across our Tweeples. The positive aspect of commenting in constructive ways is the sharing of ideas, a dialogue of sorts, all to educate and open space for the transfer of 'what you know' (knowledge) all for the sake of learning. It's also a platform for professionals to connect and exchange. Hopefully along the way others get a little something-something too and hec, 'might-could' (my Southern-eeze) make a bigger impact in the world.
If you want to learn more about Paul R Jones you can follow him @PaulRJones