So, what do women consumers really want? They want companies to be 'good'. It's as simple as that. According to the study, women want companies stand up for a cause, even if the product or service costs them a little more--73% said they would pay more for a "good" product. Get the full scoop on this here.
Companies that engage in giving back and take a stand for something beyond the bottom line always benefit, as well as the cause. Giving back, whether it's through volunteer time, outright contributions, cause marketing or some other way, is a good thing to do because it improves the social fabric of communities. And you've heard me say and it's plain as day on the home page of my website, giving is a force for social change. Companies are still learning about the positive impact it has for them. We know for sure that it benefits charities. Yet there is a benefit for businesses, it's employees and customers. The key, however, to reaping the rewards of giving back lies squarely in the "how" a company gives back and not in the "what" a company gives back. And, as important in "how" the giving is communicated. It takes more than just adding a blurb to your company website.
If you are a business whose services or products are targeted directly to women, the Self Magazine Study GOOD 1.5 is a must read. Then, because I work primarily with women-owned business that have a desire to make giving an important part of the business, I'd love to hear from you and help you be a force for good.