Designed for the yoga buff on the go, this compact, lightweight yoga mat bag includes a compartment for your keys, smart phone, iPod or just about any other personal item. Every bag comes with a different Vietnamese print lettering, giving you a one-of-a-kind item. Best of all the bag is made with recycled rice bag material in Cambodia and supports NomiNetwork.
Buy Her Bag Not her BodyTM is created by Nomi Network, "a non-profit organization working to eradicate sexual slavery and the trafficking of women. Nomi created a partnership between the fashion industry and cause-driven, well-designed merchandise made by at-risk women and survivors of sexual exploitation, providing them with fair, sustainable employment opportunities. Supported by people like you, their bags don't just look good, they do good." (Source: Nomi Network)
So now you can do good for the environment, humanity and your body with our new yoga bag!
100% of the profit is reinvest into training and career development programs for women. To purchase your yoga bag and see others by Nomi Network, click here.