Call it a Southern thing, but I l-o-v-e a wide-brimmed stylish straw hat. I love straw hats so much, I even have one displayed in the back window of my car. It speaks style and my Southern-ise way. Besides that, it protects my fair skin. As a natural red-head, my face desperately needs protection from the sun. There is no tan working for me. As a youth I wore that white gunk that miner's wore in the coal mines in Pittsburgh. I desired coco butter for a ravish tan but all I got was more freckles.
Which leads me to my new find. Each summer I get a brand new straw hat that I brim with a fancy ribbon.
So, this year, swimsuit designer Brette Sandler designed an over-sized straw hat for Hat Attack. Brette's limited-edition UV protective beach hat is designed to raise awareness about sun exposure, skin cancer and support the Foundation.
Twenty-five percent of each sale goes to the Skin Cancer Foundation. Brette Sandler for Hat Attack retails for $95 and is available Brettesandler.com.
Which leads me to my new find. Each summer I get a brand new straw hat that I brim with a fancy ribbon.
So, this year, swimsuit designer Brette Sandler designed an over-sized straw hat for Hat Attack. Brette's limited-edition UV protective beach hat is designed to raise awareness about sun exposure, skin cancer and support the Foundation.
Twenty-five percent of each sale goes to the Skin Cancer Foundation. Brette Sandler for Hat Attack retails for $95 and is available Brettesandler.com.