Jamah designs some of the most lovely handbags I've seen. More important is the story and meaning of the name Jamah. I first heard of Jamah and the owner, Nancy Gale through Ali Brown. Ali has been a tremendous mentor to thousands of women entrepreneurs over the past decade, a good friend of Ali, and givingadvice is happy to say that Ali International, LLC hired us for a special project. Ali Brown is not only a self-made multi-millionaire but she is a generous entrepreneur as well. She now has a Jamah bag named after her ~ the Ali pictured here.
I then had the pleasure to speak with and meet Nancy Gale. A (very) tall, talented and personable woman. While her passion is designing luxurious handbags, Nancy also has a deep passion about inspiring young adults to tap into their creativity, respect for self, and supporting products made in the USA. All a healthy dose of challenging students to dream bigger and discover their inner talents.
To carry our this vision, Nancy created her In True Fashion program. In True Fashion is a part of the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship - LA Chapter, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
To read more about In True Fashion and support this program, visit their website. Meanwhile, here is a blurb.
In True Fashion builds self-esteem and work ethics in American youth through hands-on participation and promote the value of products “Made in the USA.” They implement a unique method that raises self-esteem in high school students through a hands-on participation that results in finished products and healthy competition.
"High school students will explore their creativity through the In True Fashion apprenticeship program, which includes workshops with expert mentors, factory time and business planning. They will learn what it takes to run every aspect of a business.
Spearheaded by JAMAH, the journey takes teams of students from JAMAH product inception to financing to marketing, with their hard work culminating in finished bags that will be exposed to the nation. The designs are voted on and the winning bag is taken into production and sold to the public as a new addition to the JAMAH Collection. Honoring cause and commerce, a portion of the proceeds are designated to NFTE. .... In True Fashion preserves and honors American craftsmanship. The personal empowerment gained from the In True Fashion experience and the appreciation for products that are made in the USA will positively affect generations to come."
So, if you are looking for a fabulous new handbag or if you believe in the mission of In True Fashion, visit their website and tell Nancy I sent you.