Thursday, February 18, 2010

Where Athletic Apparel Meets Performance Meets Philanthropy

I admit it, I am a competitive athlete. Make no bones about it. I can be sweet and nice and open to collaborative efforts in business, but when on the racing line, I am a tiger. I thirst and crave winning in athletic performances. I don't apologize for it either. I even got ticked at an athletic director for paying women athletes less than male counterparts for the same race back in the 1990's. "Equal pay for equal sweat." That is my motto.

I love watching the Olympics. There was even a point and time in my life where team mates thought I would have been there for running. But no point hashing times gone by. Some of my team mates have like, Kim Gallagher , a 2 time Olympian and medaler in the 800m run in 84' and 88'. RIP Kim.

The time is today. And, I am loving what some athletic apparel companies are doing for causes. First and foremost is a shout out to Moving Comfort for their Support Your Girls Campaign. Full Discloser as they were a client of mine.

Another is DEKA Athletics, in Atlanta, GA who carries athletic and footwear, as they announce that Alp-n-Rocks, a ski athletic apparel company has launched a fabulous cause marketing campaign. They recently spear-headed a scholarship program. Here is what Alp-n-Rocks is doing (directly from the DEKA Athletic latest blogpost):

"Born in the Swiss Alps and raised on Sunset Strip, Alp-n-Rock offers the finest in ultra-luxe t-shirts with a purpose. Alp-n-Rock draws its inspiration from the glamorous alpine resorts of Europe where fashion is as important as sport, and comfort and style go hand-in-hand. But its attitude is strictly Rock-n-Roll. Bold, sexy and just a little bit twisted, Alp-n-Rock redefines luxury: live life on your own terms, feel connected and create change. Along with being ultra fashionable, Alp-n-Rock donates 10% of profits to Room to Read to fund girls' scholarships in developing countries around the world, giving girls the lifelong gift of education.Ski Magazine showcased an Alp-n-Rock reversible, long sleeved top in its most recent issue. The versatility, fashion, and comfort offered from these organic cotton tops are what has consumers coming back for more! DEKA carries a collection of the original designs for men and women; give back & feel good about getting your new "go to" Alp-n-Rock top for the winter!"

So! There you go. Ski in fashion and be it with a philanthropic twist... We love Alp-n-Rock! Rock On! Run on or ski on.... whatever motivates you to get moving. Just know that giving back can motivate you run a few more miles or run a few more slopes, no matter your sport. It's all for the love of sports, competition and having the heart to give back.

Oh... Even if you are skiing slow... If you are wearing Alp-n-Rock, at least you're looking good!

a.k.a. "Mid-pack-Mag"
Get Your Miles In :)