There has been a rise in the growing number of turn-key software programs to help business owners develop 'custom fit' community involvement programs with the click of a mouse. At the cost of not sounding too snarky, I hesitate to think there is any striking similarity between 'custom fit' and a 'click of a mouse.'
The business can pick from a drop-down list of charities, import data for giving options, communicate your giving to the software company's list of other businesses (which sharing the message is inspiring, the important aspect is to reach your audience), and a few other windows that, well quite frankly, are as boiler-plated as possible to of course make the entire process, e-a-s-y. What about the other 'e' word...Effective!
Surely, there is a cost benefit to turn-key solutions. But, community involvement programs are unique to a business and ideally aligned closely with its brand and values. Thus implying, if we believe this statement to be true, then the click of a mouse will not create for you the one thing that can be uniquely yours to make a difference. Impossible, as the array of options are not infinite.
I like ease and making things a simple as possible as much as anyone else. But, there are a few pieces to the process that are missing. A few of them: creativity, participation, and authenticity. Perhaps its my passion here surfacing, but I believe impact and business identity are too closely linked to assume it can be done with a click of a mouse.