There are a few things I've learned over the years in my experience as a business philanthropy/cause marketing consultant and coach, and I hope I successfully convey them to businesses aspiring to give back to causes in away that makes a difference for their business and charities they give to. Undoubtedly, there is a learning curve for businesses to grasp the benefits of giving beyond knowing the simple truth that it is a good thing to do.
So, I want to share with you the basic truths for businesses, of any size, that want to make an impact in communities through charitable giving or cause marketing. These truths I believe are what business giving is not:
"What Business Giving Is Not:"
1. It is not a quick fix for the bottom-line,
2. It is not a solution to your public relations challenges,
3. It is not about promoting all the 'good deeds' you do,
4. It is not a strategy to drive more traffic to your store front or website,
5. It is not a short-term effort to drive sales,
6. It is not a way for you to make an impression in your community or to your customers about how charitable you are,
7. It is not about picking a different cause each month (what I call cause-surfers)
8. It is not a marketing strategy that costs you nothing.
Here is the deal about what business giving is: It is a long-term strategic approach your business takes to solving social issues you care about most. As you grow your giving campaign and message over time your message is ingrained with your customers and community, and your business will benefit as well as the causes you give to.
Solving issues across the fabric of communities is a long road. Businesses must keep this message in mind before embarking on a giving campaign.