Yummy! I am never one to pass up a sweet. I L-O-V-E cupcakes. Takes one back to childhood and the simplicity of good things.
Betty Crocker is doing a 'good thing' with their cupcake recipe too. They recently launched a cause-marketing campaign with Make-A-Wish Foundation called, "Stirring Up Wishes". Each week for twelve weeks, Betty Crocker will grant a wish to a special child and their favorite Betty Crocker recipe.
This is such a simple campaign. Yet it is a wonderful alignment. Kids, cupcakes, sprinkles on top, and wishes. The other aspect of this program that is smart is that it will run for a specific period of time, twelve weeks. The success of a cause-marketing campaign is a short duration. Well, my opinion anyway. Here's why, cause marketing efforts are a partnership between a charity and company/business. A short duration for a campaign gives both sides the chance to test the waters of the relationship before signing on for a longer time frame. Also, these types of campaigns have a great blitz n' buzz that appeals and attracts consumers. Over a longer time frame, that buzz can be diminished. However, there is the argument that time allows for your message and brand to build. Don't think Betty Crocker is need too much more in the brand building area.