So, why do we give? Peter says that we give because even though in the toughest of economic times most people realize that they are better off than others in this world and it's about making a choice to do what is right for others and our planet. Maybe it's because anyone would lend a hand to someone who is in danger, dying, as it maybe just a part of our human instinct and respect for humanity, life.
On a lighter note, in the article it indicates a survey of Americans found that those who gave to charity were happy people. Now we don't know if giving made people happy or if happy people are more likely to give. From my experience, I'd say it's a balance of both. I've met very wealthy people who are just unhappy folks and actually are not very giving. Unbelievable, but true.
So, here is what you can walk away with from this post and Peter's article, people give because we have instincts to care. When we give, it makes us feel really good.