Now, I was on the hunt for a new car...(after five months of being in a cast.) Out of college, working, making decent money...I really had my eye set on a sports car. It was hot. But, it wasn't a logical car. I knew it but I really wanted it. The sports car was a 2-seater with a trunk that was so small it couldn't even hold 5 grocery bags. So, I was persuaded to buy a Subaru. They were, after all, a 'reliable' car, had great gas mileage, and had front-wheel drive, which was essential to driving through snow (or so I was told), and the insurance premium was lower. I bought it, at first somewhat reluctantly, but that car was in fact reliable and rarely had a problem.
Of course, when I read about Subaru's new charity campaign, I felt obligated to share it. After all, my Subaru got me through bad snow storms, saved me lots of money compared to the fancy sports car, and I had it for many years.
Subaru's new "Share the Love" campaign, is running through January 2nd, and lets new-vehicle customers select one of five charities to receive a $250 donation from Subaru of America, following the purchase or lease of a new Subaru vehicle. How great is that. Sure it's a way to influence the buyer's decision, sure they probably want to move 2008 cars off the lot by year's end, but it's not like Subaru is just in it for the grab. They have a history of being very community-minded company. But, I do have to be honest, I thought the title of this campaign was better suited for VW Beetle... the "Love Bug"... get it? You can read more about the campaign here.
This campaign, which Subaru expects to raise $5M, will support: Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Habitat for Humanity International, Meals On Wheels Association of America, the National Wildlife Federation and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).