It seems like every where you turn today, companies are going green. I'd like to think it's because they want to enjoy a wee bit of the Irish but that's not it. Going green has a caught on fast and it's a good thing for consumers, companies and the world we live in. It's not exactly about giving back in a monetary way, as we do through donations. But it is a way to make to difference now and for future generations.
I often get asked, "What does going green really mean"? For starters, I am not an expert on green practices (csr), just philanthropy. But I keep myself informed about practices that make a difference for the world we live in.
This is what I know 'going green' to mean for companies and you can begin with any one of the areas sited below to implement in your business. You don't have to do all of them. Just pick one and get started. These key terms are mentioned in Elizabeth Roger's, The Green Book.
Sustainable practices: values the earth's resources and puts future generation’s needs before immediate needs.
Renewable: the use of energy and resources that can be replenished so that they are never fully depleted, such as wind or solar energy.
Recycled: the turning of old product into new product, such as plastic bottles, cans, newspapers, etc...
Fair Trade: Products are made ethically with sustainable practices.
Organic: fibers or foods grown without the use of most chemicals.
Many companies are going green. One example is Melaver, Inc. They are a family-owned, development business that is leading the way in Georgia and other southeastern states. I facilitated a philanthropy session for their company and can say they are the best I have seen in sustainable practices and giving back.
So, I encourage you to think of just one way you can begin 'going green' that is easy for you to manage and makes a difference.
© 2008. Maggie F. Keenan, Ed.D. All rights reserved.
I often get asked, "What does going green really mean"? For starters, I am not an expert on green practices (csr), just philanthropy. But I keep myself informed about practices that make a difference for the world we live in.
This is what I know 'going green' to mean for companies and you can begin with any one of the areas sited below to implement in your business. You don't have to do all of them. Just pick one and get started. These key terms are mentioned in Elizabeth Roger's, The Green Book.
Sustainable practices: values the earth's resources and puts future generation’s needs before immediate needs.
Renewable: the use of energy and resources that can be replenished so that they are never fully depleted, such as wind or solar energy.
Recycled: the turning of old product into new product, such as plastic bottles, cans, newspapers, etc...
Fair Trade: Products are made ethically with sustainable practices.
Organic: fibers or foods grown without the use of most chemicals.
Many companies are going green. One example is Melaver, Inc. They are a family-owned, development business that is leading the way in Georgia and other southeastern states. I facilitated a philanthropy session for their company and can say they are the best I have seen in sustainable practices and giving back.
So, I encourage you to think of just one way you can begin 'going green' that is easy for you to manage and makes a difference.
© 2008. Maggie F. Keenan, Ed.D. All rights reserved.