Sunday, August 28, 2011

Vacation: What August is All About

Each year, I traditionally take the month of August to vacation and have some fun. Many of you know that Summer is my favorite season. It' so in tees, shorts, and flip-flops, sleeping in, no day planned, soaking up the beach, and relaxing evenings.

I also try to take time away from fashion philanthropy and cause marketing projects, blogging and social media. This respite energizes me to 'get back to school' come September. New ideas and feeling refreshed. However, I have to admit, this summer has brought new contacts with new opportunities and I have logged a few more days at the computer than I have on the water.

I do hope you had time to spend with family and friends having some fun, vacationing, and enjoying all that Summer has to offer.

Will be back early September.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Spin Into Fitness and Support a Cause

Care2Spin? No, really! I first came across Care2Spin through Twitter about one month ago. After learning about the purpose of Care2Spin and seeing it combines fitness (of all levels) with philanthropy, I just had to share.

John Eagle Honda of Houston, Texas has announced the first annual Care2SpinTM and is one company a mission to make a difference and support Easter Seals of Greater Houston. And they are inviting anyone who wants to spin or hula hoop a chance to become involved in the Care2Spin™ fundraising events.

The Care2Spin™ Bike Spinning Marathon will be held on September 17, 2011. "This unique event, in partnership with L.A. Fitness , encourages Houston residents to engage in a spinning marathon on a stationary bike to raise money for those affected by a disability." But, you don't just have to have a stationary bike to participate and raise funds. Care2Spin invites all kinds of spinners to join in the fun. You can spin a glass of vino, spin clothes in a washing machine, spin on roller skates, or any activity you can think of that involves spinning. It is all to raise money for Easter Seals of Greater Houston to help improve lives.

To learn more about the Bike Spinning Marathon that will take place at John Eagle Honda on September 17 from 8am-12pm, or to donate, sponsor, or create you own challenge, visit Care2Spin website.

John Eagle Honda auto dealership that gets 2 thumbs up. They have gone above and beyond the standard sponsorship for events we are most familiar and created a unique, fun, challenging and community-wide event where anyone can spin a little something-something and support a cause. More important it promotes fitness philanthropy!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Nine West and Modelinia Team Up for Steps for a Cause

The 2nd Annual Steps for a Cause. Cool and creative idea as a way to give back! Click the link to learn how Nine West, Modelina and CFDA are making a difference. This is a great example how to leverage your networks and partnerships for the 'greater good.'

Photo Source: Modelina and Nine West.